Depends how you look at the kite to determine if it is right or left correct?No!At the end of the bladder it is stamped RIGHT.
I order right and here comes the left which you think is right because you look at the kite from up.
In the end I just insert it in the strut and right or left….
By the way trailing edge flutters like an engine.
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Even I didn't have a chance to try my new board and equipment, it looks great and in qualitative sens too. Good delivery experience. Looking forward to test it...
Will im Frühling das Wakeboarden richtig anfangen und ich glaube, dafür ist er sehr gut geeignet, klasse Material und sehr gut, was Bequemlichkeit und strapazierfähig angeht! Man muss sich ein bisschen durchprobieren mit den Größen.