Meet the game changer. The FreeWave STB has the classic
shapes beat in every way with its innovative design unleashing
incredible levels of versatility.
The wide tail and more parallel rails ensure the FreeWave
STB is extremely easy to ride, whilst delivering truly unrivalled
early planing and upwind ability. The compact shape offers
exceptional jumping control and a turning ability that can
genuinely rival dedicated waveboards in smaller waves.
Whether you are progressing from flatwater to waves or
already a master of both, there is no board that can flatter your
technique and cater for your needs in a more complete way
than the FreeWave STB.
From high wind freeride, through freestyle, bump & jump and
full-on wave sailing, the FreeWave STB does it all with a perfect
blend of ease and style.
Choose the FreeWave STB over the Stubby TE for:
More speed, quicker acceleration, easier to use and more suited to flatter water/bump & jump conditions. In wave conditions, the FreeWave STB will punch out through the white water better, as well as offering more control in choppy conditions and easier tacking due to the increased length.
Choose the FreeWave STB over the Blast for:
More manoeuvrable feel and wave performance. If you are looking to ride waves then go for the FreeWave STB. If you have no wave riding aspirations and only want to blast back and forth then go for the Blast!
Choose the FreeWave STB over the Skate for: Everything other than dedicated
freestyle performance. If you aspire to spend your time popping tricks in the air and sliding backwards, then go for the Skate, otherwise the FreeWave STB is the best choice for everything else.